Saturday, August 30, 2008

Ma's been taken to glory!!

Some of you know that Doris (my first mother in law) had been diagnosed with an aggressive systemic brain tumor this past June. She had surgery at the end of June and the doctor said she wasn't a good candidate for radiation so it would be about on week to five months left to live. She was in Camrose hospital for a while then transferred to Viking extended care. She took a big turn for the worse last week when she couldn't eat anymore and then stopped taking fluids as well. She was nine days without eating and seven without fluids.

I spent the night with her Friday and yesterday with me on one side and my sister in law Mable on the other we watched as she peacefully quit breathing and passed. I got to close her eyes. I know that sounds morbid, but I missed Dad's by only minutes and I wanted to be there with her when she went. What a privilege it was!! Imagine the family reunion she got to have when she got to eternity!!!

Now we all have to switch gears because today my niece gets married. We will all go and have a great time and can be assured that Ma will be watching us from heaven with all the family.

Until next time....


Jen said...

Thinking about you & the fam.

Shari said...

Thanks Jen. The funeral is Tuesday @ 10 AM in the Strome Hall. Please pass the word around.

whoever said...

It is always great to see you... even under difficult circumstances. I'm so glad you got to "get to page two... and the REST of the story" with Ma as she passed on. You and your boys are a precious part of a long history...

Love ya ... "jr b"

sr b