Friday, June 13, 2008

Here is the most recent picture of our whole family that was taken at AETE (where Kelvin works) for family day....after our helicopter ride!!!

Ok, so I did it this time!!! I did follow Jen's directions before and they just didn't work. Maybe my computer was having a hernia though. Here's the boys!!!

Clayton is now 14 and has a job at McDonald's three days a week as the front end guy.

Cody is now 12 and says he either wants to be a lawyer or a professional wrestler...go figure!!!

Sam is 8 and very full of love and hugs for everyone.
The new job is still going well and I'm now starting to understand more of the legal contracts that I'm dealing with. If you do mess up, the board calls and tells you what you have forgotten or done wrong. I guess it has to be perfect for them...that's alright, I'm getting it more all the time.
Until next time.....


Jen said...

Yay! THANKS! The boys still look like themselves just a bigger version! Thanks for posting them! I like the family shot too. Everyone's growing up!

Melissa said...

Hey Shari! I didn't know you had a blog!!! I'll have to read more later when I have time - but hey, your boys are getting to be young men!!
